Next time it will be worse… I’m going for a nap … Anyways thank you for watching my videos, I am Timmy Joe and I’m going to be around for a long long time! I have an Instagram: I have a Twitter: Tweets by watchtimmyjoe I have a facebook but who cares about facebook… […]

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Un dia que no sospechaba nada, le di un buen susto a mi tia. Tuve que salir corriendo para no resultar lesionado! One day without her suspecting anything, I scared my aunt good. I had to take off running to avoid being injured!

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Dear recession, Thanks for giving me the opportunity to live at home and scare my Dad after he falls asleep on the couch. Don’t worry about making it hard to find jobs. Without you, I wouldn’t have been able to do this. Love, Drew PS: My parents are awesome.

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